OST is responsible for receipt and disbursement of state funds and lottery funds, and management of the state's cash resources. OST prepares a monthly cash flow forecast to optimize investment return by managing portfolio liquidity efficiently. OST provides monthly cash flow forecasts to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget to help assure sufficient liquidity is available to fund appropriated expenditures.

OST administers the Local Government Investment Pools (LGIPs) on behalf of the State and participating local governments. Assets of the LGIPs inclusive of Georgia Fund 1, Georgia Fund 1 Plus, and the Georgia Extended Asset Pool are placed in a separate trust fund and are administered by OST. In  addition to our money management responsibilities, OST monitors state entities banking and merchant card relationships.

OST oversees administration of the Path2College529 Plan, a Section 529 college savings plan offered by the State of Georgia and managed by TIAA-CREF; Georgia Stable, Georgia's savings plan for people with disabilities; and, the Georgia Secure Deposit Program.

GF1 Sales Tax Deposits

Banking and Finance